When Kanye West parted from the script on NBC it was a good thing. I was proud of West when he said "George Bush does not care about black people." West picked the best moment ever when he decided to voice his opinion on national television. It was an opportune time because people of every race were watching NBC. If West would have said this at any other time it probably would not have be so effective because it would not have been seen by so many different people. If this comment added turmoil, great, because the comment West made needed to be heard by everyone. By saying this, every person can now realize that Bush is more concerned with upper-class Caucasian people than anybody else in the United States.
Bush may be taking "some" actions on correcting the devastation Hurricane Katrina has caused, but he is not doing it fast enough. If Hurricane Katrina would have hit an area that was mostly populated by Caucasians, Bush would have started helping immediately. Instead, since this area was mostly populated by African Americans Bush took his time to get relief efforts going. All of the looting could have been avoided if people were given help sooner. Most people began to steal because they were trying to feed themselves and their family.
As of right now making headlines is the farthest thing from West's mind. He is more concerned about helping to raise money and get the things the victims need in order to get on their feet. If West has to go on every television station that is what he will do. With or without the comment, West will always be a champion of the black community because his focus has and always will be to help the black community.
Some tend to believe that the lyrics of West's song are characterizations of black people as a whole, which is not the case. Most of the lyrics in West's songs are about himself and the things he went through.
People may have their opinions about West saying things like he is a "twit." but in my opinion Kanye West is more like a phenomenon and the best is yet to come!
This viewpoint was published in The Marquette Tribune on September 20, 2005.