I have hope because of the nearly 70 percent of voters under 30 that proudly marked "NO" on their ballots compared to 30 percent of voters over 65.,”
While incredibly disappointed by the results of the marriage discrimination amendment from last Tuesday's election, I have hope for the future.
I have hope because of the 60 percent of voters under 30 who proudly marked "no" on their ballots, compared to 33 percent of voters over 65, as reported in exit polls on CNN.com.
I have hope that our generation will lead the way in moving "Forward," as our state motto proclaims, in one day establishing equal rights for all of its citizens.
I have hope that one day the idea of preventing marriage between two loving people is one unheard of, and one that my grandchildren will not believe existed.
I have hope that this amendment will become a dark spot in Wisconsin's past that we can learn from while creating our present and future.
I have hope that from this point on, we can begin working once again to create a fair Wisconsin that believes in equal rights for all of us.
Emily Krueger is a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences.