The Mars Volta – Noctourtiquet
After three years without an album from the prog-rock group The Mars Volta, they have finally released their 6th studio album, Noctourniquet. It is a bit less experimental sounding than previous albums, but it is an extremely cohesive album as a whole. Each track flows together wonderfully and is experimentally based from a comic book character and a Greek myth, but is this really a big surprise coming from this band? Not really. Is it surprising that they pulled it off in a wonderful fashion? Nope, not one bit.
Top tracks: Noctourniquet, The Malkin Jewel and Lapochka
If someone were to ask me to rate this song on a scale of 1-10, I would give it a 20. This track is incredible from all angles. It feels like going back to the rock roots Arctic Monkeys thrive in. The base line, the guitar riffs, the drumming, Alex Turner’s voice, the backgro
und vocals. So many incredible layers to this song, if this is the direction of the next album from the Arctic Monkeys, count me in. Also be on the lookout for the B-side track, Electricity, to be released on record store day. Also if you are going to in Milwaukee on May 16th be sure to catch them at the Bradley center with The Black Keys.
M. Ward – A Wasteland Companion
M. Ward, the Him of She & Him for those of set to release a new solo album on April 10th entitled A Wasteland Companion. This album is a very calm and comforting one. With a good mix of acoustic guitar and piano as well as tracks with a fun energy about them. For those who enjoy the folk styling of M. Ward of She & Him this is a great album to add to your collection.
Top Tracks: Primitive Girl, Sweetheart (Zooey Deschanel on this track) and The First Time I Ran Away